Toro Sentado (Vista 1)
Toro Sentado (Vista 2)
Toro Sentado (Vista 3)
Toro Sentado (Vista 4)
Toro Sentado (Vista 5)
Toro Sentado (Vista 6)
Toro Sentado (Vista 7)
Toro Sentado (Vista 8)

Toro Sentado

Ref.: ANDR-S9B10

Logo Andrea

63,90 EUR

Sitting Bull 


165 mm (1:10) metal figure of the brand Andrea Miniatures within its series "Busts Collection", to assemble and paint, consists of 36 pieces.

It includes an assembly and painting guide in English and Spanish.

Resin bust and base.

Figuras - Bustos - Andrea


Imprimacion Gris Claro
Herramientas - Imprimaciones - Tamiya

11,80 EUR



Set 10 limas de aguja
Herramientas - Lijas y Limas - Vallejo

14,50 EUR



Pegamento Cianocrilato
Herramientas - Pegamentos - Tamiya

6,20 EUR

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