Ref.: ROME-54049
Knight of St John Order The Order of the Knights of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, in latine Ordo equitum Hospitaliorum Sancti Ionnis Hierosalymitani, obtained the acknowledgement from pope Pasquale II in 1113. Saint John Baptist was the saint patron of the ospite and hospital founded in Jerusalem since 1070 for the assistance and care of pilgrims to the Holy Sepulchre. The brother-knight’s habit was the cappa causa, a monk’s hooded mantle entirely black with a little white cross on the heart. This cross, at the first quarter of XIII century, took its typical geometric 8 pointed shape. In 1248 Papal Bull granted to the Hospitallers brethren to leave the long and cumbersome cappa clausa for a wide habit even black but without mantle, habit that was indoubtly more useful for the war-dute. The mid XIII century was really a transitino period for the brethren of St, John; from 1259 they changed the black surcoat in red, keeply the white cross of the order and was with this sort of habit thatall Knights of St John fought their last battles Outremer.