Panelador para Arena Camuflaje Desierto (Vista 1)
Panelador para Arena Camuflaje Desierto (Vista 2)
Panelador para Arena Camuflaje Desierto (Vista 3)
Panelador para Arena Camuflaje Desierto (Vista 4)

Panelador para Arena Camuflaje Desierto

Ref.: AKIN-AK2073

Logo AK Interactive

3,90 EUR

Panelier Sand and Desert Camouflaje


Enamel type effect for modelling

A new high quality enamel product, developed for scale aircraft models, with an improved fl ow for easy creation of depth, and emphasis of surface detail.

This product is perfectly suitable for aircraft models which are painted in uniform green or brown schemes, or carrying camoufl age patterns composed of both of these colours.

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