Jeep S.A.S. Britanico (Vista 1)
Jeep S.A.S. Britanico (Vista 2)
Jeep S.A.S. Britanico (Vista 3)
Jeep S.A.S. Britanico (Vista 4)

Jeep S.A.S. Britanico

Ref.: TAMI-35033

Logo Tamiya

14,50 EUR

British Special Air Service Jeep


Model to assemble and paint of the Tamiya brand in plastic at 1/35 scale.

Historical Review

The SAS is short for the Special Air Service.

This was a special service unit organized in 1941 by young British officer David Stirling and showed activity in the desert of North Africa. The only one mission of the SAS was to weaken the enemy by infiltrating deep through enemy lines and harassing the rear. It was the Jeep that the SAS used as their main means of transport. Although inferior to the Chevrolet Truck in loading capacity, the Jeep with superior cross-country ability was best suited for the mission of the SAS

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