Infanteria Romana (Vista 1)
Infanteria Romana (Vista 2)
Infanteria Romana (Vista 3)
Infanteria Romana (Vista 4)

Infanteria Romana

Ref.: ITAL-06047

Logo Italeri

9,50 EUR

Roman infantry


Figures to scale 1/ 72 in plastic in order to paint


The equipment of the 1st Century B.C. legionnaire became the stereotype of Roman infantry. 

Over his tunic he wore the heavy lorica segmentata, the most advanced form of body armor at the time. 

The characteristic rectangular “scutum” often bears the name or the insignia of the Legion the soldier belongs to.

The individual armament comprised gladius and pilum, a heavy throwing javelin. 

The kit also includes centurions with transverse crest helmets, and the signifer (standard bearers) carrying the Legion's insignia.

Figuras - Militares - Italeri


Castillo Medieval siglo XII-XV
Maquetas - Dioramas - MiniArt

37,50 EUR



Matas Arbustos Flores Rojas
Herramientas - Escenografia - Green Stuff World

5,25 EUR

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