Guerra Civil Americana (Vista 1)

Guerra Civil Americana

Ref.: VALL-70111

Logo Vallejo

43,00 EUR

American Civil War 16 Colours

The colours brush on smoothly, and cover large surfaces easily and without showing brushstrokes. Their texture makes them equally perfect for minuscule details or miniature artwork. All the shades dry to a mat and opaque fi nish except for the metallic and transparent colours. The transparent colours render a brilliant fi nish, tint the surface but do not hide woodgrains or other characteristics. On models, they are applied directly for headlights and signal lights; diluted with Mat Medium, these colours are ideal for tinting airplane or car windows (smoked glass). The application of a coat of transparent colour over the same mat colour gives an extra brilliant special effect. Model Color can be diluted with water, and all colours can be mixed with one another. The product does not contain solvents and is not infl amable. Colours do not contain lead pigments, nor ingredients harmful to health. Errors can be corrected inmediately with water, or with a small amount of alcohol. Once the paint has dried, it is waterproof and permanent. Model Color is presented in a 17 ml. bottle with eyedropper. This packaging prevents the paint from evaporating and drying in the container. It can be used in minimal quantities and preserved for a long time

Herramientas - Pinturas Set - Vallejo


Imprimacion Gris
Herramientas - Imprimaciones - Vallejo

12,75 EUR

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