Casa Holandesa (Vista 1)
Casa Holandesa (Vista 2)
Casa Holandesa (Vista 3)
Casa Holandesa (Vista 4)
Casa Holandesa (Vista 5)
Casa Holandesa (Vista 6)
Casa Holandesa (Vista 7)
Casa Holandesa (Vista 8)

Casa Holandesa

Ref.: MIAR-36023

Logo MiniArt

29,50 EUR

Dutch Village Diorama 


MiniArt brand in plastic and scale 1/35 to assemble and paint this base with house ideal for any vignette.

It consists of 85 pieces

Maquetas - Dioramas - MiniArt


Arbustos Altos - Verde Oscuro
Herramientas - Escenografia - Green Stuff World

8,80 EUR

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